Become A Member

Your membership starts with unique access to our members' portal. Your membership, your way.

Join FPSC to improve your business today.

Corporate Membership

Corporate membership is available to recognized federal or provincial food and beverage processing companies, cooperatives and trade unions representing industry workers. With corporate membership comes voting privileges and eligibility for a Board of Director position.

Why join?

  • Affordable E-Learning and On- Site Training courses.
  • Participation in FPSC projects to provide expertise and have your say.
  • Discounts on the Food Skills Library.
  • Simplified workforce analysis with Labour Market Reports.
  • Peer-to-Peer networking opportunities for management, supervisors and employees.

1-25 employees

26-99 employees

100+ employees

Small Processor

Small food and beverage processing establishments with a team of 1-25 employees such as family-run operations, new businesses, start-ups and well-established companies with efficient teams.

Membership Benefits page corporate

Medium Processor

Medium-sized food and beverage processors with a team of 26-99 employees such as companies with established customer bases, regional businesses and companies in an expansion phase.

Large Processor

Large-sized food and beverage manufacturers with a team of 100+ employees such as multi-national companies and businesses with multiple brands or product lines.


Associate Members

Associate membership is for organizations and individuals not actively involved in conducting processing operations but connected to the food and beverage manufacturing industry. Associate members do not receive voting privileges but are invited to participate in the organization’s annual general meeting and may hold a position with the Board of Directors in an ex-officio capacity.





Membership Benefits page edu


For educators and academic institutions involved in training the next generation of talent.

  • Access to the Learning Recognition Framework and National Occupational Standards.
  • Map curriculum to industry standards.
  • Labour Market Report for curriculum planning.
  • Pathway to accreditation.
  • License course content.
  • Provide your students with additional industry-based certificates.


For organizations working hard on behalf of industry members.

  • Share our resources.
  • Collaborate on program delivery.
  • Profile valuable cost-share programs.
Membership Benefits page association
Membership Benefits page prof


For consultants committed to the food and beverage industry.

  • Upgrade your knowledge.
  • Join our committees.
  • Participate in program delivery.
  • Become an approved trainer.


For students with a passion for the food and beverage industry.

  • Get connected with industry leaders.
  • Meet employers.
  • Find your dream career.
Membership Benefits page student

Check out all of our member benefits.