OTTAWA, ON, July 18, 2023 – Today, Food Processing Skills Canada launched Skills Training Across Canada (STAC)— a new program designed for people in supervisor roles or individuals on a path towards a leadership position. Skills Training Across Canada is part of Achieving Our Workforce Destination which received an investment of $7.7 million from the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Workplace Solutions Program earlier this year.  


The Canadian food and beverage manufacturing industry employs 300,000 people in 13,000 businesses across the country. Within the total workforce approximately 15,000 individuals are in supervisory positions and over 66% of those individuals are men. The new Skills Training Across Canada program has been designed to not only recognize people in supervisor positions but support the development of young and developing talent. This program is an important part of building the industry’s reputation as a top employer for all people.  


Program highlights follow. 



“An important part of the new training curriculum is the addition of Food Processing Skills Canada’s Acahkos — a unique approach to social emotional learning. We have combined online training with team-based, interactive learning to assist individuals with interpersonal relations, adaptability, empathy and resilience for navigating a variety of situations and ensuring a welcoming and productive workplace. To complement Acahkos, we have also added five exciting new courses in equity, diversity and inclusion,” said Jennefer Griffith, Executive Director, Food Processing Skills Canada.    


With Skills Training Across Canada, employers can support their employees in earning block-chain verified certificates and digital credentials in 39 courses. On completion of the program, employees also receive one micro-credential and have the opportunity to participate in an additional program at no cost to become a Certified Food Production Supervisor.  


 “In 2022, Shediac Lobster Shop participated in a pilot program that served as the basis for the new Skills Training Across Canada. The experience for our company employees boosted not only skills, but morale and team spirit. We continue to rely on the leadership and emotional intelligence training we received to become a workforce we are truly proud of.” Said Lana Maillet, HR Manager, Shediac Lobster Shop Ltd. 


To learn more about Skills Training Across Canada please visit 


Achieving Our Workforce Destination project partners are Food Producers of Canada, Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada, Fisheries Council of Canada, Canadian Meat Council, BC Food and Beverage, Alberta Food Processors Association, Food and Beverage Manitoba, Food and Beverage Ontario, Conseil de la transformation alimentaire du Québec, Comité sectorial de main-d’oeuvre en transformation alimentaire and Food and Beverage Atlantic. 


Food Processing Skills Canada is the food and beverage manufacturing industry’s workforce development organization. As a non-profit, located in Ottawa with representatives across Canada, the organization supports food and beverage manufacturing businesses in developing skilled and professional employees and workplace environments. The work of Food Processing Skills Canada directly and positively impacts industry talent attraction, workforce retention and employment culture. And through partnerships with industry, associations, educators and all levels of governments in Canada, the organization has developed valuable resources for the sector including the Food Skills LibraryTM, Canadian Food Processors InstituteTM, FoodCertTM and the new Labour Market Information initiative, Rapid ResultsTM. Visit 


Media Inquiries 

Isabel Dopta 

Sr. Communications Advisor 

519.993.1192 l 

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