Labour Market Information

Confectionery Factory Employees In White Coats Packing Paper Box

Your resource for the latest data and trends impacting employment success in Canada’s food and beverage manufacturing industry workforce.

Make the right decisions for your business & career path.

Latest labour market information is an absolute essential for Canadian food and beverage employers in making informed business and workforce decisions. And if you are an educator, student or jobseeker, be sure to access our recent insights on skills training and career pathways. We have the data you need to make the right choices.

National data identifying current employment numbers and future skills forecasts.

Regional evaluations to better understand urban-rural barriers and opportunities for businesses.


Economic analysis of industry losses due to COVID-19 and employment gaps.

Information on the value of qualitative and quantitative labour market data to business strategy.
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Rapid Results

Rapid Results is a key initiative of Food Processing Skills Canada that brought real time labour market information and business data directly to food and beverage manufacturing companies across Canada. The reports and learnings from the Rapid Results Employment Opinion Panel complement the continuous research and analysis mandate of the organization to conduct and share labour market information.

Our thanks to the hundreds of industry leaders — employers, HR professionals, and senior management — across Canada that provided input to Rapid Results by completing a short series of online surveys on key issues including labour shortages, immigration, supply chain disruptions, and inflation. 

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Vacancy Challenges

If you are involved in Canada’s food and beverage manufacturing industry you understand that the sector has struggled with moderate to severe vacancy concerns for many years. People employed by Canada’s 13,000+ establishments are at the heart of this industry’s success, but if growth is to continue and people are to be nourished around the globe, attracting, and retaining skilled individuals must be the number one priority.

Between 2023 and 2030, the Canadian food and beverage manufacturing industry is estimated to need to hire and retain over 92,500 additional people. The average annual hiring requirement of approximately 11,500 new people per year is driven primarily by the need to replace an estimated 66,800 retirements and age-related exits while considering projected industry growth and labour productivity gains. Additionally, the industry’s current 50,000 vacancies that remain unfilled means the total hiring requirement increases to 142,000 new people or almost 50% of the current workforce.

We have solutions that can help you.

The data has confirmed for industry that labour is the number one priority impacting resilience and growth, especially during the challenges of the Covid-19 global pandemic.

When we talk about labour market information we typically discuss traditional data like national, regional and sector stats. This information is incredibly valuable to providing a macro to granular analysis of an industry, but there is much more information available.

What about learning how to be the very best employer to multiple generations in a workplace? Or understanding how jobseekers perceive the industry and careers available. Maybe you would like to learn more about work compensation levels.

Food Processing Skills Canada has implemented a comprehensive labour market information strategy to ensure that businesses and industry stakeholders have access to the most relevant and useful data available.

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Current and accurate labour market information is a necessity for any business to make informed and successful decisions.

– Jennefer Griffith, Executive Director

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