Learn More About Kevin

Kevin Elder

Project Manager

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Kevin studied International Development at the University of Calgary and has lived and worked all over the globe. He grew up in Alberta and California and now makes his home in Ottawa. His introduction to food and beverage processing was as a Vapour Heat Treatment Facility Manager at a mango plant in Australia. Kevin joined Food Processing Skills Canada in 2017 and has been leading the organization’s Labour Market Information insights since that time. At FPSC, he coordinates and analyzes the latest qualitative and quantitative information for all industry stakeholders. Kevin also represents FPSC and the industry on a variety of national and regional committees to ensure decision makers have access to the best available information. When he isn’t reviewing data, he is likely coaching, playing, or watching sports.

Food and beverage manufacturing is a major industry for Canada, both domestically and internationally. Kevin can speak to the following topics with a national, provincial, or regional lens. The topics can also look at the entire industry or specific sectors depending on the audience.

Key Speaking Topics

  • The latest labour market information on Canada’s food & beverage manufacturing sector.
  • Perceptions of the industry and career opportunities from different demographics:
    • General public
    • 5 workforce generations
    • Youth
    • Indigenous People
    • Unemployed
    • New Canadians
  • Cost of vacancies to the Canadian food and beverage manufacturing industry
  • Industry challenges and opportunities & specifically labour challenges and opportunities
  • FPSC’s portfolio of labour market reports and surveys
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    Jennefer Griffith

    Executive Director

    Food Processors Skills Canada

    Tracy Biernacki-Dusza

    Project Manager

    Professionalizing the Food and
    Beverage Industry

    Food Processing Skills Canada

    Deanna Zenger

    Project Manager

    Succeeding at Work

    Food Processing Skills Canada