Focus Areas

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Focus Area Objectives

Skills and competencies are often used interchangeably which is understandable given the close relationship between the two.

We like to say that skills define specific learned activities. Knowing the skills of an individual helps to understand their fit for a job. Skills are also an integral component of a competency. Competencies refer to the right mix of skills, knowledge and on the job ability to succeed in a position.

A person’s competencies can be evaluated through resumes, interviews, various assessments and with job performance.

Perception Study

Skills and competencies are often used interchangeably which is understandable given the close relationship between the two.

We like to say that skills define specific learned activities. Knowing the skills of an individual helps to understand their fit for a job. Skills are also an integral component of a competency. Competencies refer to the right mix of skills, knowledge and on the job ability to succeed in a position.