Accreditation & Curriculum Mapping

Matchmaking for targeted training and career success.

Accreditation & Curriculum Mapping

We are excited about this next step in professionalizing the industry. With our accreditation process in development we will soon be collaborating with educators on curriculum mapping.

What does this mean? With development of the Learning Recognition Framework industry has identified the learning outcomes for all the pathways in the framework. This means educators, post-secondary institutions and private trainers can match their curriculum to learning outcomes in the framework that fit the industry. It is a matchmaking process that when completed, will lead to accredited students who have also achieved a diploma or degree.

People that have had their skills accredited will be in high demand by employers. The relationship between accreditation and other activities in the plant such as auditing for food safety and quality assurance by inspection agencies and customers is an important one. Accredited individuals will have an edge.

Add to this, accreditation will be recognized from coast to coast and will successfully raise the training bar.